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Maria Montessori often stated that not only does every human being have an innate drive to understand the environment around them, we all also naturally have what she called a “Mathematical Mind”. In the Montessori classroom, mathematical learning begins through indirect preparation long before a child is ever introduced to any Math materials.
Read moreWe are pleased to introduce Evangelia and her daughter, Aria who started with IMSP after attending our Toddler & Me course. How did they like it, what have they learned, and what benefit does it bring to their daily life?
Read moreEvery morning, with any luck, a very enthusiastic and volume‑charged toddler and I make the 45 min…
Read moreIt is no surprise to hear parents expressing doubts about a multi-age classroom, and questioning how children of different ages could work together harmoniously in the same environment, and if there are any benefits to this approach.
Read moreIt can be an exciting time when your child begins to read and write their first words. They are at the dawn of an exhilarating literacy journey that will open their eyes to a world of books, knowledge, and wonder!
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