

“The thing that IMSP really contributed the most to me would be developing my curiosity. Just, letting me as a kid explore my own world in my own way,“

On this week’s edition of the IMSP podcast, Mariana catches up with alumni Jonas Zapletal. Born and raised in the Czech Republic, Jonas is now completing a bachelor's degree in behavioral science while living abroad in Madrid. Empowered by the freedom and independence he gained during his time at IMSP, Jonas is confidently taking on new challenges.

Twenty years ago, IMSP opened its door for the first time. This podcast series follows Mariana Bečková — IMSP alumna and graduate of the program — as she shines a light on her fellow Montessori graduates. Celebrating our 20th anniversary, we are taking time to reflect with students who have been with us along the way. Tune in and learn more about their experience in the IMSP classroom and what Montessori means for them today.


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“At IMSP, we were always taught how to speak to people, to be mindful, to listen to one another, and that really helped when it came to making new friends. Once you have friends, everything else is simple. Everything else, you can figure out.

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Grace and Courtesy: Why is it so important?

Grace and Courtesy is a major part of the Practical Life curriculum from infancy through adolescence. You might overlook the Grace and Courtesy curriculum when you first visit a Montessori classroom; unlike Mathematics or Language, there usually isn’t a dedicated shelf or corner for it. However, it is nonetheless an essential part of the curriculum, with set lessons and goals; its „didactic materials“ are the teachers themselves, as well as the children’s community. Its aim is far more than simply teaching etiquette: it is to aid the self-construction of the child in their task to assume their full place in the human community.

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Creating a Montessori Home

Discover simple, easy ways to make your child's space comfortable, beautiful and educational, according to time-tested Montessori guidelines and principles. 

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Our Life in Lockdown

We have all had our fair share of complaining about the situation we have found ourselves in since last Spring, but in this article, I wanted to concentrate on the positives this has brought to us.

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Montessori Sensorial Materials Lead to Sensory Awareness

The materials in the Sensorial area of the Montessori classroom are quite unique – they speak to the tactile observer in all of us. When you consider the way humans take in information, you realize how often we use more than one sense to explore. Maria Montessori’s work in the Sensorial environment was designed to take advantage of this tendency. Today, I will discuss the materials featured in the Children’s House classroom (ages 3-6). 

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