
IMSP Podcast: Meet Alumnus Caleb Miller

Introducing our first guest on the IMSP podcast series: Caleb Miller. After graduating from IMSP, he moved back to the United States, finishing his university degree. Caleb and our host, Mariana, chat about independence in childhood, the benefits of multi-age classrooms, and what advice he has for current IMSP Elementary students. While reflecting on his time at IMSP, Caleb looks towards the future as he pursues a career with a global focus. “That's one thing that Montessori, our school, planted in me,” Caleb tells us, “the desire to engage with the world”.

In Caleb’s own words:
“My name is Caleb Miller and I went to IMSP from 2006-2010. After leaving Prague, I moved back to the United States to finish high school before getting my bachelor's degree in business from a small liberal arts college in Michigan. I now live and work in Kansas City, Missouri, where I have spent time working at a high-end barbecue restaurant and in a marketing coordinator role for a small hardware and software distribution company. I love to read, stay active, explore new hobbies, and stay in touch with my friends around the world so I can plan my next travels!”

Twenty years ago, IMSP opened its door for the first time. This podcast series follows Mariana Bečková — IMSP alumna and graduate of the program — as she shines a light on her fellow Montessori graduates. Celebrating our 20th anniversary, we are taking time to reflect with students who have been with us along the way. Tune in and learn more about their experience in the IMSP classroom and what Montessori means for them today.


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Reading from a Young Age Matters

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IMSP Joins Roots & Shoots Program in Czechia!

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