
Video: A Day in The Life of IMSP

Check out our video made by the International Montessori School of Prague community! We are happy to share our vision for Montessori education with all. It features our inspiring students, teachers, school leadership, alumni and parents. Let us know what you think!

Are you curious about how Montessori can help your child thrive? Contact us to schedule and individual tour.


Další články

Staff Interview with Joyce McCusker

How were you first introduced to Montessori education? What led you to seek Montessori training for…

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Forest Exploration with Toddlers

At IMSP we are fortunate enough to have access to a forest right on our doorstep. This offers invaluable opportunities for our toddlers to explore the natural world with the support of their guides. Interaction with the natural environment provides mental and physical health benefits for children and adults alike and allows children to be inspired by the world around them, away from their usual home or classroom environments.

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IMSP Joins Roots & Shoots Program in Czechia!

We are thrilled to announce that IMSP has officially joined the Roots & Shoots program in Czechia! This exciting collaboration, led by our dedicated team member, Irena Andělová, marks a significant new chapter in our school’s commitment to nurturing confident, compassionate, and engaged global citizens.

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Staff Interview with Amber Barrett

As a child, did you want to become a teacher, or anticipated becoming one?

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The Independent Child

Why - and how - we nurture independence in our students

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