Ms. Lisa likes to decorate her home with colourful yarn eggs. Get inspired to make your own - it's an easy technique with beautiful results!
Materials: water, flour, and salt; coloured thread, string or yarn.
Ms. Lisa likes to decorate her home with colourful yarn eggs. Get inspired to make your own - it's an easy technique with beautiful results!
Materials: water, flour, and salt; coloured thread, string or yarn.
Svátek maminek je jedním z našich nejoblíbenějších, a tak jsme pro ně ve školce nachystali tradiční čajový dýchánek se spoustou dobrot. Nechybělo ani věnování s písničkou. Jak slavíte tanto svátek vy?
Číst dálCreate vibrant holiday decorations with Mr. David, using a potato to create an Easter stamping craft!
Číst dálSe zmrzlinou a úsměvem od ucha k ucha se loučíme se školním rokem 2018/2019!
Číst dálWatch Ms. Alena and her nieces decorate their Easter eggs with hot wax. Aren’t they beautiful? This one definitely requires a grown-up's help to prepare and supervise the hot wax.
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