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Video: Blueprint for the classroom: A Way to Move Forward

How do we encourage peacefulness and respect in the Montessori classroom? Together with the children, we prepare a blueprint for our classroom community!

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Future of Education

Radka Dohnalova, a parent of three IMSP children, has been researching the future of education in this world. She has summarized her findings in the article below, which was also recently published. Radka wanted to share the results with the IMSP community when her research revealed how Montessori education aligns with where the future of education is heading.

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Introducing IMSP’s LIDOVÉ NOVINY, a Czech-language newspaper written, edited, and assembled by our Upper Elementary students. This project was inspired by renowned Czech writer Karel Čapek. Čapek, best known for inventing the word „robot“, was beloved for his versatile and multi-genre pieces. Bouncing between modern fairytales, short stories, travel-logs, and biographical work, Čapek also had a particular affinity for the feuilleton, a short newspaper essay designed, not only to inform the reader, but to amuse them as well.

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Toddler life hacks

Toddlers are at a very sensitive age for physical independence. It is natural to want to take care of them, yet sometimes giving the freedom and space to do things by themselves is a gift that not only makes them happy, but also support their overall development, confidence and sense of self.

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Video: Community Environment

The fundamental aim of Montessori education is to help children become fully-fledged citizens of the world. How do we achieve something so monumental?

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Virtual tour