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Food preparation

Food Preparation activities are very popular in a Montessori classroom.  Not only do children enjoy eating food they’ve prepared themselves, but they learn skills throughout the process.

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Exploring Generosity and Art: Random Gifts of Art

This spring, as part of our Values curriculum and Art Program, we invited TEDx speakers Garret Garrels and Tim Holmes to lead a workshop at IMSP for our Elementary classes.

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The Benefits of Cursive Handwriting

It can be an exciting time when your child begins to read and write their first words. They are at the dawn of an exhilarating literacy journey that will open their eyes to a world of books, knowledge, and wonder!

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IMSP Podcast: MEET ALUMNUS Krishna Ramani

Please welcome this week’s guest to the IMSP podcast – Krishna Ramani!

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Learning Mathematics in our Primary Classrooms

Maria Montessori often stated that not only does every human being have an innate drive to understand the environment around them, we all also naturally have what she called a “Mathematical Mind”. In the Montessori classroom, mathematical learning begins through indirect preparation long before a child is ever introduced to any Math materials.

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