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It's a Long Journey But Worth It

Every morning, with any luck, a very enthusiastic and volume‑charged toddler and I make the 45 min…

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Freedom and the Montessori Classroom

“To give a child liberty is not to abandon him to himself."

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Staff Interview: Greg McCracken

What is a motto that you live by?  When I was young, my dad often reminded me: “Always do your best.” In the same way, what I often try to keep in mind is "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have." 

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Helping your Toddler on their Path of Development

Parents today are constantly surrounded by images and ideas of what their children should or shouldn’t have and it can be overwhelming trying to decide what is best for their child’s development. Every parent wants to make good decisions when it comes to the items you choose to bring into your home, but how do we know which ones are more or less beneficial than others?

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Creating a Montessori Home

Discover simple, easy ways to make your child's space comfortable, beautiful and educational, according to time-tested Montessori guidelines and principles. 

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