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This week, our host Mariana Bečková chats with IMSP alumna Karolína Muchová. Born and raised in Prague, Karolína always knew she wanted to pursue her university education abroad. Press play to learn how IMSP prepared her for a rigorous high school experience and eventually, her choice to enroll at the University of Chicago in the United States. Between authentic one-on-one support and a personalized curriculum designed by IMSP teachers, Karolína shares how her experience with Montessori set her up for success as she spread her wings around the globe.
Read morePatience and a positive attitude are key when helping children with dressing and undressing. This means staying engaged with your child, maintaining eye contact, but also being patient as they process the information and movements.
Read moreWe all know the scene: a frustrated parent, a child that refuses to listen and do as they’re told, the fight that no‑one wins.
Read moreYou may see your child doing all kinds of productive work at school and then it seems that they are a completely different child at home. Does this happen to you? Toys lying all around the house and maybe your child does not want to clean up, or perhaps you are stuck with a sink full of dishes after dinner with no offers to help. There are some simple adjustments and additions that can easily be made in your home which will help you and your family build a happier and more cooperative household.
Read moreWe are pleased to introduce Evangelia and her daughter, Aria who started with IMSP after attending our Toddler & Me course. How did they like it, what have they learned, and what benefit does it bring to their daily life?
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