

“The thing that IMSP really contributed the most to me would be developing my curiosity. Just, letting me as a kid explore my own world in my own way,“

On this week’s edition of the IMSP podcast, Mariana catches up with alumni Jonas Zapletal. Born and raised in the Czech Republic, Jonas is now completing a bachelor's degree in behavioral science while living abroad in Madrid. Empowered by the freedom and independence he gained during his time at IMSP, Jonas is confidently taking on new challenges.

Twenty years ago, IMSP opened its door for the first time. This podcast series follows Mariana Bečková — IMSP alumna and graduate of the program — as she shines a light on her fellow Montessori graduates. Celebrating our 20th anniversary, we are taking time to reflect with students who have been with us along the way. Tune in and learn more about their experience in the IMSP classroom and what Montessori means for them today.


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Staff Interview with Lindsey Taylor

Lindsey is originally from Texas, where she completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies at Southwestern University. She discovered her passion for working with children while teaching English as a Second Language in Costa Rica. After that she started working as an assistant in a Montessori school in the US. Her dream was to move to Europe to continue teaching and after 3 years of hard work her dream came true. Since that time, Lindsey has completed her Montessori training and is now leading up the Toddler classrooms at IMSP as Senior Teacher.

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IMSP Podcast: Meet Alumna Anna Šlégrová

Join us as our host, Mariana Bečková, interviews Anna Šlégrová on this week’s edition of the IMSP alumni podcast. Reflecting on what made her Montessori experience stand out, Anna stresses IMSP’s personal touch. Teachers, Mariana and Anna share, take time to get to know their students, encouraging them to pursue their passions. Now studying at the University of Bath, Anna shares how growing up in IMSP’s international environment empowered her to pursue higher education abroad.

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Helping your Toddler on their Path of Development

Parents today are constantly surrounded by images and ideas of what their children should or shouldn’t have and it can be overwhelming trying to decide what is best for their child’s development. Every parent wants to make good decisions when it comes to the items you choose to bring into your home, but how do we know which ones are more or less beneficial than others?

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It's a Long Journey But Worth It

Every morning, with any luck, a very enthusiastic and volume‑charged toddler and I make the 45 min…

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Introducing IMSP’s LIDOVÉ NOVINY, a Czech-language newspaper written, edited, and assembled by our Upper Elementary students. This project was inspired by renowned Czech writer Karel Čapek. Čapek, best known for inventing the word „robot“, was beloved for his versatile and multi-genre pieces. Bouncing between modern fairytales, short stories, travel-logs, and biographical work, Čapek also had a particular affinity for the feuilleton, a short newspaper essay designed, not only to inform the reader, but to amuse them as well.

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