
Exploring Generosity and Art: Random Gifts of Art

This spring, as part of our Values curriculum and Art Program, we invited TEDx speakers Garret Garrels and Tim Holmes to lead a workshop at IMSP for our Elementary classes.

TEDx speakers Garret Garrels and Tim Holmes travel the world with their Random Gifts of Art project, exploring community, communication and human connection through the sharing of art work. This spring, IMSP invited them to present their workshop to our Elementary classes. Under Garret's and Tim's guidance, our students created and gave away their art on a busy day in Prague. Watch the video to share their experience!

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IMSP 20th Anniversary

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Exploring Practical Life Through Cloth Washing

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Toddler life hacks

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Introducing IMSP’s LIDOVÉ NOVINY, a Czech-language newspaper written, edited, and assembled by our Upper Elementary students. This project was inspired by renowned Czech writer Karel Čapek. Čapek, best known for inventing the word „robot“, was beloved for his versatile and multi-genre pieces. Bouncing between modern fairytales, short stories, travel-logs, and biographical work, Čapek also had a particular affinity for the feuilleton, a short newspaper essay designed, not only to inform the reader, but to amuse them as well.

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Staff Interview: Greg McCracken

What is a motto that you live by?  When I was young, my dad often reminded me: “Always do your best.” In the same way, what I often try to keep in mind is "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have." 

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Virtual tour