

Staff Interview with Lindsey Taylor

Lindsey is originally from Texas, where she completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies at Southwestern University. She discovered her passion for working with children while teaching English as a Second Language in Costa Rica. After that she started working as an assistant in a Montessori school in the US. Her dream was to move to Europe to continue teaching and after 3 years of hard work her dream came true. Since that time, Lindsey has completed her Montessori training and is now leading up the Toddler classrooms at IMSP as Senior Teacher.

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IMSP Joins Roots & Shoots Program in Czechia!

We are thrilled to announce that IMSP has officially joined the Roots & Shoots program in Czechia! This exciting collaboration, led by our dedicated team member, Irena Andělová, marks a significant new chapter in our school’s commitment to nurturing confident, compassionate, and engaged global citizens.

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There's A Book for That!

I’m back again with more book recs! As an educator, I often turn to books to help answer difficult questions or to start a conversation about a challenging situation. 

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Staff Interview with Amber Barrett

As a child, did you want to become a teacher, or anticipated becoming one?

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Staff Interview with Joyce McCusker

How were you first introduced to Montessori education? What led you to seek Montessori training for…

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“Going Out” and Field Trips

An Essential Element of the Elementary Montessori Student Experience

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