
Turn Yourself into an Easter Bunny

Enjoy this lovely activity with Ms. Gerry and turn yourself into an Easter bunny, using a photo of your child’s face and cut-out body parts.

What you’ll need: a photo of your child’s face, glue, white card, a ruler, tempera paint or water color, large bowl, towel and cloth for feet, cotton balls.

  1. Cut around your head, leaving approximately 1cm around the edge. Smear glue all over the back of your head and fix onto white card.

  2. Cut again around your head, leaving approximately 1cm around the edge. Place (without gluing) your head onto a new piece of white card and use a ruler to mark approximately 3cm from the top, bottom and sides.

  3. Join up each of the 4 pencil marks to create an oval for the bunny’s body. Cut around the bunny’s body.

  4. Fix your head, with glue, to the top of the bunny’s body. Before painting feet, collect a large bowl, towel and cloth to ensure the least mess possible :)

  5. Paint feet and create footprints on the white card. Remember to create 2 sets of footprints - one set for the bunny’s ears and another for the bunny’s feet.

  6. Cut around each set of footprints. Smear glue all over the bunny’s body and attach cotton balls. Glue one set of footprints to the top of the bunny’s head.

  7. Smear glue around the edge of your face, including over the bottom of the ears. Stretch out the cotton balls to attach the fur around the edge of your face and the bottom of the ears.

  8. Smear glue all over the back of the other set of footprints and fix onto the bunny’s body.

  9. Taaaaaada! Now you’ve turned yourself into an Easter bunny :)

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