
Earth Day

Do you recycle?

We do and its getting more and more intensive! Recycling was one of the topics of our Earth Day this year. We sorted out waste, learned about managing vermicomposte with Californian earthworms in the classroom, and painted recycled bags to reuse. All these activities were organized by our Upper Elementary students with support of the teachers and one of our mums to educate younger schoolmates. In fact, we start with ecology in early kindergarten. How about you?

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Planting of the Tree of Liberty 1918 – 2018

We are proud to join the “Trees of Liberty 1918 – 2018” project which included planting the Czech national tree - the linden - in our school garden. 

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Halloween Family Fun

October afternoon full of pumpkins and spooky monsters

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End of Year Performance

Student End of Year Performance for our parents.

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Winter Concert

The first term is over. Savor a few memories from the amazing performance of our children from our Winter Concert.

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Sports Day and International Food Fair

Check out the best of our Sports Day!

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Virtual tour