

Do socks also mysteriously go missing in your house? If you have two spare socks (one white and one coloured), let’s make them into an adorable snowman! It’s so cute you might even sacrifice a whole pair.

Age: any, but Toddler and Primary children will definitely need an adult’s help, particularly with the hot glue gun.

What you’ll need: two socks (white and coloured), rice, piece of ribbon, few buttons, scissors, black marker, two rubber bands and a hot glue gun. Craft glue will serve as well, but requires more patience and drying time.


Fill the white sock with rice. Tie off the top with a rubber band, and then use another one to separate the head and the body.

Trim the top. Cut off the toes of your coloured socks. Roll the cuff and place it on the snowman’s head. You can secure it with a little dab of hot glue.

Decoration time! Draw eyes and a mouth, and glue on the buttons. Arrange the ribbon so that it covers the elastic and secure it with one more dab of hot glue. (Make sure to protect your workspace from glue drips, with a sheet of paper or an old rag.)

All done! Enjoy your new winter buddy

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