
Exploring Generosity and Art: Random Gifts of Art

This spring, as part of our Values curriculum and Art Program, we invited TEDx speakers Garret Garrels and Tim Holmes to lead a workshop at IMSP for our Elementary classes.

TEDx speakers Garret Garrels and Tim Holmes travel the world with their Random Gifts of Art project, exploring community, communication and human connection through the sharing of art work. This spring, IMSP invited them to present their workshop to our Elementary classes. Under Garret's and Tim's guidance, our students created and gave away their art on a busy day in Prague. Watch the video to share their experience!

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Learning Mathematics in our Primary Classrooms

Maria Montessori often stated that not only does every human being have an innate drive to understand the environment around them, we all also naturally have what she called a “Mathematical Mind”. In the Montessori classroom, mathematical learning begins through indirect preparation long before a child is ever introduced to any Math materials.

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It is no secret that Dr. Maria Montessori is known for her strong advocacy of peace education and how it relates to an essential yet often “invisible” component of the Montessori Method – Grace and Courtesy. Her vision to help all children to feel safe and cared for while preparing them for adulthood is the very foundation of Peace Education in every Montessori classroom, aimed to help cultivate empathy and kindness.

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Future of Education

Radka Dohnalova, a parent of three IMSP children, has been researching the future of education in this world. She has summarized her findings in the article below, which was also recently published. Radka wanted to share the results with the IMSP community when her research revealed how Montessori education aligns with where the future of education is heading.

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IMSP Toddlers: Help Me to Do It Myself

One of the key concepts and skills that Montessori education develops in different ways and from different perspectives through the entire childhood and through the entire educational process is independance. 

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Video: Community Environment

The fundamental aim of Montessori education is to help children become fully-fledged citizens of the world. How do we achieve something so monumental?

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Virtual tour