
Video: A Day in The Life of IMSP

Check out our video made by the International Montessori School of Prague community! We are happy to share our vision for Montessori education with all. It features our inspiring students, teachers, school leadership, alumni and parents. Let us know what you think!

Are you curious about how Montessori can help your child thrive? Contact us to schedule and individual tour.


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IMSP Joins Roots & Shoots Program in Czechia!

We are thrilled to announce that IMSP has officially joined the Roots & Shoots program in Czechia! This exciting collaboration, led by our dedicated team member, Irena Andělová, marks a significant new chapter in our school’s commitment to nurturing confident, compassionate, and engaged global citizens.

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Mindfulness: A Key Part of Our Elementary Curriculum

If you visit the Upper Elementary at IMSP on any school day in the late morning, you would hear a gentle bell ring at around 11:20. The students clean-up, and by 11:30, they gather on the classroom carpet and light a candle. A teacher sets a timer. At the sound of a bell, they begin their 5-minute awareness/mindfulness practice.

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“At IMSP, we were always taught how to speak to people, to be mindful, to listen to one another, and that really helped when it came to making new friends. Once you have friends, everything else is simple. Everything else, you can figure out.

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Help! How Can I bring Montessori Into my Home?

You may see your child doing all kinds of productive work at school and then it seems that they are a completely different child at home. Does this happen to you? Toys lying all around the house and maybe your child does not want to clean up, or perhaps you are stuck with a sink full of dishes after dinner with no offers to help. There are some simple adjustments and additions that can easily be made in your home which will help you and your family build a happier and more cooperative household.

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Cooking With Children can be fun

It is often said that “the family that eats together, stays together”. We would like to suggest taking it a step further – and encourage every family to cook together, too. In Montessori, we know that kitchen work provides a host of benefits to children, all the way from toddlers to adolescents; it is a part of the Practical Life curriculum as soon as children can walk! However, its advantages are in no way tied to the classroom and can be just as easily – if not more so – applied at home.

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