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We know that when schools are closed and children are at home for the holidays, it can sometimes be a challenge to come up with new, interesting ideas of things to do with your toddler. Here we have compiled a list of our three favorite winter-themed activities that consist of simple steps and only require materials that you probably already have around the house.
Read moreThe fundamental aim of Montessori education is to help children become fully-fledged citizens of the world. How do we achieve something so monumental?
Read moreSummer is the perfect time for trips and outings. A backpack of their very own is a great gift for an older toddler or a pre-schooler: It builds their independence and confidence as they actively participate in preparing for each trip, and then carry their necessities by themselves.
Read moreIntroducing IMSP’s LIDOVÉ NOVINY, a Czech-language newspaper written, edited, and assembled by our Upper Elementary students. This project was inspired by renowned Czech writer Karel Čapek. Čapek, best known for inventing the word „robot“, was beloved for his versatile and multi-genre pieces. Bouncing between modern fairytales, short stories, travel-logs, and biographical work, Čapek also had a particular affinity for the feuilleton, a short newspaper essay designed, not only to inform the reader, but to amuse them as well.
Read more“At IMSP, we were always taught how to speak to people, to be mindful, to listen to one another, and that really helped when it came to making new friends. Once you have friends, everything else is simple. Everything else, you can figure out.
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