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We are pleased to introduce Evangelia and her daughter, Aria who started with IMSP after attending our Toddler & Me course. How did they like it, what have they learned, and what benefit does it bring to their daily life?
Read moreEvery morning, with any luck, a very enthusiastic and volume‑charged toddler and I make the 45 min…
Read more“Social and emotional learning(SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”
Read moreAs a child, did you want to become a teacher, or anticipated becoming one?
Read moreWe are thrilled to announce that IMSP has officially joined the Roots & Shoots program in Czechia! This exciting collaboration, led by our dedicated team member, Irena Andělová, marks a significant new chapter in our school’s commitment to nurturing confident, compassionate, and engaged global citizens.
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