Ms. Lisa likes to decorate her home with colourful yarn eggs. Get inspired to make your own - it's an easy technique with beautiful results!
Materials: water, flour, and salt; coloured thread, string or yarn.
Ms. Lisa likes to decorate her home with colourful yarn eggs. Get inspired to make your own - it's an easy technique with beautiful results!
Materials: water, flour, and salt; coloured thread, string or yarn.
Join Ms. Misha in creating greeting cards for friends and family - even if you might not be able to visit them this year, these cards can spread some seasonal cheer.
Číst dálNenechte si ujít zajímavý seminář. Na půdě IMSP budou přednášet dvě světové osobnosti z oblasti Montessori Dr. Steve Hughes a Elina Rautasalo.
Číst dálBlahopřejeme všem účastníkům Mini-Maratonu! Navzdory deštivému a chladnému sobotnímu počasí jsme závod opět zvládli a užili si ho, ať již v roli závodníků nebo fanoušků.
Číst dálWatch Ms. Alena and her nieces decorate their Easter eggs with hot wax. Aren’t they beautiful? This one definitely requires a grown-up's help to prepare and supervise the hot wax.
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