
Virtuální oslava Dne země pro všechny přátele naší modré planety

Den Země, který nám připomíná důležitost ochrany životního prostředí, se na celé planetě slaví 22. dubna.  Oslava, kterou každoročně v International Montessori School of Prague pořádáme, je jednou z našich nejoblíbenějších akcí. Letos se bude tato oslava Dne země konat virtuálně. Přidejte se k nám! 

*Omlouváme se, následující text je dostupný pouze v angličtině.

IMSP Upper Elementary students have been diligently preparing presentations on Earth Day topics, along with various activities for younger students. These include worksheets, coloring pages and crossword puzzles available through Seesaw. 

From April 20th-24th, the Upper Elementary students will join Lower Elementary morning zoom meeting to share these presentations and offer them suggestions for developing sustainable environmental protections. Meanwhile, our Primary students are gathering through Zoom meetings at 2:00 pm each day of this week to enjoy an Earth Day story time with our Upper Elementary students. 

This year we are focusing on the general concept of sustainability. We will learn how to eat sustainably, how to save water and energy, and how to reduce waste and air pollution!

Eating Sustainability

Didn't finish your plate? What do you do with the food? Try and weigh all the food you would throw out over a weekand write down your data into the chart. How many kilos of food did you throw away?



Do you know how much water you use in a day? Children will provide a chart for filling in data of how much water they used for different activities, such as flushing the toilet, washing, using the dishwasher or washing machine.



Are there ways of cleaning the air in your house? Our students have prepared a worksheet to fill in and check for each step. There is also a brief survey.



Did you know that plastics can only be recycled twice? Collect all the plastics you would normally throw away for one week. At the end of the week, you can see how much plastic might end up in our oceans.



Make a list of all the electrically powered items in your home. Ask yourself this question: do I need that? Can I live without it? Does it have to be powered the whole day?  Ask your mom or dad to help.


Další články

Den Matek

Některé události nepotřebují komentář. Stačí se jen dívat a pocit výjimečnosti daného okamžiku přijde sám. Třeba když slavíme Den matek a děti i maminky září štěstím.

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Den země v IMSP

Letošní Den Země byl celý o včelách. Proč jsou tak důležité pro přírodu, v jakém společenství žijí a k čemu nám, lidem, slouží? To vše a mnoho dašlího se děti dozvěděly na několika zábavných a naučných stanovištích formou her, čtení, prezentací a tvoření. 

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Easter Virtual Fun Event

The sun is out, Spring is here and Easter is fast approaching! Since we can’t celebrate together, we’re offering the next best thing. 

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Watch instructions and tutorials prepared by our teachers & create along with us! We’re looking forward to seeing your beautiful crafts! Your IMSP Team

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Rozhovor s Katkou Bečkovou

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